This indicator uses information on alien species detected in the Broad-Scale Monitoring Program as an index of the number and distribution of alien species in inland lakes in Ontario.

Figure 1. A) Percent of sampled lakes with alien species detections in each Fisheries Management Zone, 2008-2012.
Figure 1. A) Percent of sampled lakes with alien species detections in each Fisheries Management Zone, 2008-2012; B) Mean number of alien species detected per sampled lake in each Fisheries Management Zone, 2008-2012 (total number of lakes = 720; source: Broad-scale Monitoring of lakes; Dextrase et al. 2016).
- Alien species were detected in 330 of the 720 lakes sampled (46%) in the first 5-year cycle of the Broad-scale Monitoring program.
- Twelve alien fish species were detected – Smallmouth Bass (198 lakes) and Rainbow Smelt (60 lakes) were the most commonly encountered. Four alien invertebrate species were detected – Zebra Mussel (58 lakes) and Spiny Water Flea (54 lakes) and were found in the most lakes.
- Fisheries Management Zones 16 and 17 in the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone and Fisheries Management Zone 11 had the highest proportion of lakes with alien species (> 75%). No alien species were detected in the 19 lakes sampled in Fisheries Management Zones 1-3 in the northern part of the province.
- The mean number of detected alien species per lake in each Fisheries Management Zone ranged from 0 to 2.3 species per lake (average of 0.66 species per lake) and increased from north to south.
The first 5-year cycle of the Broad-scale Monitoring program (2008-2012) provided information on the fish and invertebrate communities for 720 Ontario inland lakes (21-90,484 ha in area). Sampling included the use of small mesh and large mesh gillnets to capture fishes and hauls with plankton tow nets to capture pelagic zooplankton including invasive invertebrates such as larval Zebra Mussel and Spiny Water Flea (OMNR 2012). Zooplankton sampling was not fully implemented until the second year of sampling (2009) so there were no zooplankton hauls in 96 of the 720 sampled lakes (13%).
Lists of species caught in each lake were examined to determine if alien species were detected and the number of alien species detected in each lake. Alien species included species not native to Ontario (e.g., Round Goby, Zebra Mussel) and species native to Ontario that have been introduced beyond their natural range limits (e.g., Smallmouth Bass, Rainbow Smelt). Natural ranges of species native to Ontario were determined by examining range maps in The ROM Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes in Ontario (Holm et al. 2009) supplemented with Fisheries Management Zone Plans and background documents (OMNRF 2014). For each Fisheries Management Zone, the percentage of sampled lakes where alien species were detected and the mean number of alien species per sampled lake were calculated and mapped (Figure 1).
Web Links:
Fish Ontario – Broad-scale Monitoring of lakes program
Holm, E., N.E. Mandrak, and M.E. Burridge. 2009. The ROM field guide to freshwater fishes of Ontario. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON.
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). 2005. Ecosystems and human well-being: biodiversity synthesis. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
Dextrase, A.J., C. Chu, N.P. Lester, H.E. Ball and K.B. Armstrong. 2016. An assessment of alien species in Ontario’s inland lakes based on the Broad-scale Monitoring Program, 2008-2012. State of Ontario’s Biodiversity Technical Report Series, Report #SOBTR-05. Ontario Biodiversity Council, Peterborough, ON.
Ontario Biodiversity Council (OBC). 2010. State of Ontario’s biodiversity 2010. A report of the Ontario Biodiversity Council, Peterborough, ON. [Available at]
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). 2012. The broad-scale monitoring program – monitoring the status of inland lakes in Ontario – draft. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Peterborough, ON.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF). 2014. Fisheries management zones. Ontario Ministry of natural Resources and Forestry, Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Peterborough, ON. [Available at:]