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A Decade of Progress: Ontario’s growing biodiversity awareness

Over the past decade, Ontarians have grown increasingly aware of the importance of biodiversity, thanks in part to the Ontario Biodiversity Council and their efforts. The Ontario Biodiversity Awareness Survey was initiated to highlight the first Ontario Biodiversity Strategy’s target 2 related to Ontarians’ understanding of biodiversity and its importance to their health and well-being. The idea was simple: if people understand biodiversity and feel connected to nature, they are more likely to take action to conserve it.

Since the initial survey was launched in 2014, it has been conducted 3 more times — in 2016, 2020 and most recently in 2024. These surveys have shown a steady increase in awareness and understanding of biodiversity. For instance, in 2024, a significant majority of respondents recognized the term biodiversity and acknowledged its crucial role in maintaining their health and well-being. This growing awareness reflects the success of educational initiatives, including the integration of biodiversity into the Ontario school curriculum.

As people’s knowledge evolved, the Ontario Biodiversity Council decided to include questions to gauge Ontarians’ connection to nature in the 2024 survey. This addition aimed to understand how deeply Ontarians feel connected to their natural surroundings and their willingness to protect it. While there is strong support for government investment in biodiversity protection, with 88% in favour, personal willingness to volunteer for conservation efforts remains much lower, with only 25% of respondents in favour.

These insights show the need for ongoing public engagement and education to bridge the gap between knowing about biodiversity and taking action to protect it. By understanding what makes people feel connected to nature, the Ontario Biodiversity Council can create opportunities to encourage more community involvement, ensuring Ontario’s rich biodiversity is preserved for future generations.

Let’s celebrate these strides and continue working together to protect our precious natural heritage!

Want to learn more about this survey and see the results? Check out the indicator Awareness of biodiversity and its importance to human health.