Figure 2. Area of managed forest under forest certification (2002–2020) (MNDMNRF 2021).
Figure 3. Management units certified and related certification system from 2002 to 2020 (MNDMNRF 2021).
Figure 4. Type of certification for each management unit. Thirteen are certified to FSC, 9 to SFI, 6 have dual FSC and SFI certification, 1 is CSA, and 10 are not certified (MNDMNRF 2021).
- Between 2002–2008 the Forest Products Association of Canada required their members to become certified leading to an increase in certifications. Since then numbers have remained relatively stable.
- As of December 2020, a total of 26.1 million hectares were certified — 29 out of 39 management units in the province, equating to 77% of the Public lands and waters within management units. The last SOBR report showed 24 million ha in 2013.
Forest Certification in Ontario is calculated by tracking the area of the Managed Forest certified under a forest certification management standard. The Managed Forest is an area in the middle of the province where forest management occurs on public land. It has a large quantity of productive forest that is suitable for timber production (MDMNRF 2021).
Figure 1. Managed Forest area in Ontario 2021 (MNDMNRF 2021).
All three of the forest certification systems have accredited third party auditors that perform on-site audits to verify that standards are being met. The audit organizations act as the registrars of the program and their websites provide information about the companies and lands they have certified. This information was used to determine the certification status for each management unit (MNDMNRF 2021).
The information presented for this indicator represents a summary of the certification indicator from the State of Resource Reporting: Forest Certification in Ontario report (MNDMNRF 2021).