This indicator assesses terrestrial landscape fragmentation in Ontario using effective mesh size, an unbiased measure of the sizes of habitat patches within regions.


Figure 1. Effective Mesh Size for ecodistricts in southern Ontario 2011 and 2015. (*please note changes to effective mesh size can be attributed to real increase/decreases and improved data methodology)
- In 2015, the effective mesh size in southern Ontario’s Mixedwood Plain ecozone, ranged from a low of 0.03 km² in the Toronto Ecodistrict, to a high of 56 km² in the Charleston Lake Ecodistrict. This is similar to the 2011 results.
- The average size of the effective mesh size for the Mixedwood Plains area in 2015 was 7.4 km².
- The effective mesh size for all seven ecodistricts in the southwestern portion of the ecozone (Kincardine, Toronto, London, Grimsby, Niagara, St. Thomas, and Essex) was less than the median value for all areas assessed, showing southwestern Ontario is more fragmented than the rest of southern Ontario.
- To report on this indicator, we rely on analysis of spatial data and examination of changes between time periods. Currently, this analysis doesn’t allow us to directly determine the cause of changes; however, observed increases or decreases in effective mesh size can likely be attributed to both real changes in anthropogenic cover, along with improved data methodology. Because of this challenge, direct comparisons between 2011 and 2015 were not made.
Terrestrial landscape fragmentation in southern Ontario was assessed based on natural and anthropogenic land cover types in 2015 aggregated from the Southern Ontario Land Resource and Information System (SOLRIS v 3.0; OMNRF 2015). Landscape fragmentation was measured using effective mesh size (Jaeger 2000). Effective mesh size (meff) is a method to quantify fragmentation based on the probability that two points chosen at random in a region will be connected (i.e., found in the same habitat patch; Jaeger 2000). It is measured in units of area (i.e., ha or km2). The greater the value, the more likely that any two points placed at random in an area will fall within the same connected natural area.
Effective mesh size was assessed for each ecodistrict in the Mixedwood Plains Ecozone in Ontario, with the exception of Manitoulin Island as it does not fall within the SOLRIS boundary (Figure 1). Roads and other infrastructure, urban areas, agricultural lands and extraction areas were considered barriers. It is important to note that as a measuring unit, effective mesh size assigns equal weight to all barriers. In reality, it may make a big difference whether an animal is confronted with a small country road or a highway. While it is possible that for some species, all barriers might constitute insurmountable obstacles, for most species, it will be the nature of the barrier placed in their path (volume of traffic, width, animal-tight fences, etc.) that carries the most weight (Jaeger 2000).
Patch-based landscape metrics can be biased by the boundaries and the extent of a reporting unit if the reporting unit boundaries fragment patches. To overcome this limitation the cross-boundary connections procedure was used, where provincial and/or ecozone borders were considered to be barriers and regional boundaries were not (Moser and Jaeger 2007). As such, meff was calculated using the following formula:
meff |
Where n= the number of patches, Ai = size of patch i inside the boundaries of the reporting unit (i = 1, 2, 3, …, n). Ai compl = the area of the complete patch that Ai is a part of, and Atotal = the total area of the reporting unit. A high effective mesh size value indicates low fragmentation of the landscape.
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Web links:
Ontario GeoHub – Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System (SOLRIS) 3.0 –
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Jaeger, J.A.G. 2000. Landscape division, splitting index, and effective mesh size: new measures of landscape fragmentation. Landscape Ecology 15:115-130.
McIntosh, T.E., and A. J. Dextrase. 2015. Terrestrial landscape fragmentation in Ontario. State of Ontario’s Biodiversity Technical Report Series, Report #SOBTR-04, Ontario Biodiversity Council, Peterborough, ON.
Moser, B., and J.A.G. Jaeger. 2007. Modification of the effective mesh size for measuring landscape fragmentation to solve the boundary problem. Landscape Ecology 22:447-459.
Ontario Biodiversity Council (OBC). 2010. State of Ontario’s biodiversity 2010. A report of the Ontario Biodiversity Council, Peterborough, ON.
Ontario Biodiversity Council (OBC). 2015. State of Ontario’s biodiversity 2015. A report of the Ontario Biodiversity Council, Peterborough, ON.
Ontario Ministry of Finance. 2020.Onatrio population projections update, 2019-2046: based on the 2016 Census, for Ontario and its 49 Census Divisions. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto, ON.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF). 2015. Southern Ontario land resource information system (SOLRIS) – data specifications version 3.0. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, ON.
Varrin, R., J. Bowman, and P.A. Gray. 2007. The known and potential effects of climate change on biodiversity in Ontario’s terrestrial ecosystems: case studies and recommendations for adaptation. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Applied Research and Development Section, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Climate Change Research Report CCRR-09.